Saturday, July 21, 2012

Get him out of your FACE!

Get him OUT of your face! How does a perfectly healthy woman end up in a relationship or marriage where she is not wife or lover, but MOTHER? A phenomenon I will never be able to understand is the wanton disregard so many of today's women have for their own well being in regard to relationships. Look, there is a distinct difference between dating and going steady, or being engaged. Why is DATING being given the attention and level of importance of marriage or engagement? The reason? Many women are not requiring any standards at all in their choice of men and the value of their own lives. Look, if you are a woman dating and just out to have a good time then by all means do so. Just don’t give out any important information such as your postal address, work address and so forth. Yet if you are looking for a meaningful relationship to go the next level, then there are some very important principles you must understand. This means employing new tactics, and not the same ones you used while dating. For instance, once you have identified Mr. Right then there should be NO SEX at the on-set. That’s right, crazy isn’t it? You see, as men we hold women to two standards, she is either a Whore or Wholesome, and we never bring the whore home to meet Mom. To catch the guy with the best intentions, then he must stay when there is no sex and respect your position. You have to do this to see what it is he is ultimately after, you or the sex. If he cannot stick around then there is no loss. The problem with many of today’s women is that they have been taught that being alone is bad. Here is the most important of principles, your self-worth. If you have little to no self worth, in other words, you are prepared to be ALONE rather than drop your standards in a relationship; you are DOOMED to be hurt. Once you decide to look for a deeper relationships and partner there are three basic measures to live by in these new interactions; 1. He must have a job. (If he has a job chances are he understands he cannot keep a good job by wearing his Pants down below his ass.) 2. He must have his OWN place to live, even if it with another male roommate. 3. He must have a car, (Important) registered to HIM, not Mom, not his ex-girl friend, but to him. (This shows he can follow through with a commitment. Graduating High School also shows this, as isn’t working a job, and graduating High School both easier than helping take care of a family?) There are ways to check all of these things out, and if you do not know them then you spend too much foolish time on the internet. If a man you are interested in does not qualify with these three sectors then he should never be in your face except to say hello. Men do not mature like women; we are just not given the serious IMPETUS from society to do so. We can choose when to mature and will only do so if a situation or woman is worth it. “The sad truth is that women will always be the most vulnerable one in relationships, due to her capacity to love the way she loves.js1. Agape 2. Eros 3. Nurturing These are the three types of love that trip up women. It is a fact that women and men love differently. A man can have sex with no deep emotional connection at all, while many women cannot. When a woman comes across a man in need of help, usually her nurturing love kicks in as it would for a son, but for this grown man. This is never good as men need to be forced or have a reason to drag themselves up out of life’s hardships. This is why Single Mother’s create so many men who cannot support themselves let alone another woman or family. This type of interference gives men a false sense of security that MOM will always step in and save them from adversity. Thereby never giving many men a chance to understand that there are many things a real man has do to he does not like. Shame on ANY woman taking care of a man she is not MARRIED to. And even then, for too long.