Friday, October 8, 2021

What Might Flying Humanoids Be?

Flying Humanoids

What Might Flying Humanoids Be?

What I like to do when faced with a mystery is to rule out all logical answers, and then roll over to preternatural and then supernatural. Many of us have seen these strange Flying Humanoids for the past decade or so with the advent of High Definition Video Cameras. So, we can clearly see in some instances these shapes are humanoid in their appearance, they are just not moving. There also seem to be NO visible means of propulsion or lift carrying these items. 

When I look at these videos, I see exactly what everyone else sees, what looks like familiar figures, silhouettes if you will, that are somehow suspended high up in the air. 

  1. The FIRST figure seems to be some kind of pigeon-like bird in an unnatural position.
  2. The SECOND figure looks like some sort of Pheasant or Partridge-type bird or fowl also frozen in an unnatural position.
  3. The THIRD, shockingly, looks like a human figure, all three of which are suspended in the air as well as inside something we cannot see, as items like clothing and feathers are not being moved while they float.

Ruling out rouge updrafts of the wind, and or cyclones, what can the answer be? I am taken back to Mr. David Pallides' "Missing 411" series of unexplained disappearances of people around the world in geographic places, that for some reason have been considered SACRED by the indigenous people for centuries. 

After studying these videos and many dozens of others over the decades, my personal belief is that we, mankind, share our planet with heretofore UNKNOWN lifeforms. Some of which live in our upper atmosphere. I have also seen reports and videos taken of what the witness has described as a creature that was invisible, but still left a distortion behind it as it moved. There are also strange videos of what appear to be amoeba-like entities, semi-translucent, slowly floating down to earth in a sparkling manner. 

These may be such entities in the final stages of their lifespan, may lose the atmospheric buoyancy held in the prime of their lives. Now dying, they may just float back down to earth. 

For me, what some of these videos are showing, might be one of these very healthy entities in the process of CONSUMING a lifeform it has captured and in the process of ingesting in some way. Because these entities are invisible to the naked eye when healthy, all we see are the prey items inside the entity's body. The items, to us, appear frozen when they could be in fact suspended in the vacuous medium of the entity's body. thanks.

Friday, February 7, 2020

How Superman Works

How Superman Works - Flight

I wrote an article years ago on how Superman's powers of flight MIGHT operate. This was done in an article I wrote called "The Weird Science of Super Powers." I was just getting into the 2006 Television series “Heroes” and my favorite character was the guy with the power of flight. I mean come on, WHO would turn down THAT power, right? I even wrote an alternate ending, a continuation of the end of the first series. Yeah, I was hooked. But one thing this fascination did, is it forced me to think about how a material being could achieve the power of unaided flight. This means the ability to fly if say one was a complete physical being and completely naked would still retain the ability to fight. When I say science, I mean we would have to use the physical world we live in and, its available energies and matter. I will list magic, although it is disqualified being used in this writ since the qualities of magic do not apply in our physical world according to the National Academy of Sciences, at least not yet.

So, the means available to us (Comic fans) are below:

1. Gravity
2. Wind
3. Mass Manipulation
4. Teleportation
5. Psionics
6. Flame
7. Sonics
8. Magnetism
9. Wings
10. Photonics
11. Magic

For our purposes, since the subject is so broad let’s go with just one, the first one, Gravity, and with our favorite Superhero, Superman.

I was so glad years later that Reed Richards explained how Gladiator's powers work. Marvel Comic's Gladiator is the leader of a team of alien royal guards. He is, of course, one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, and of course, modeled after Superman.
It was similar, on the point of what I tendered with the functions of Superman’s powers, that there is a lot more going on behind the scenes we don't see, but we pass off as Super-Strength.
Reed Richards asserted that based upon his observations, Gladiator's powers functioned through psionics, meaning, he was mentally manipulating the physical world around him. Gladiator lifted the entire Baxter Building by one corner which was physically impossible unless the building's structural integrity was being held in place telekinetically. 


We have Super-beings like Gladiator, Superman, Blue Marvel, and Sentry, who are considered god-class superheroes. But what many don’t consider, is that most of these beings, on many occasions, operate, live, work, and yes love, in close proximity to us regular human beings.

Now, taking only Superman into account, for example, it took many years for the Kents to help Kal-El, (Clark) develop the necessary control to live and work among human beings. I would imagine the same could be said for Blue Marvel, Sentry, and Gladiator, otherwise simple tasks such as:
Putting on the delicate pieces of fabric we call clothes, shaking hands, riding in a taxi, waving goodbye would be, well, problematic. We humans don’t give a thought to controlling a simple hand-wave but done without thinking, these beings could cause a sonic boom. So many normal tasks we take for granted, as NORMAL, must be severely governed down while in the vicinity of normal humans by these super-beings.

NONE of the mentioned heroes have accelerated mass like Charlie 27, of Marvel Comics Guardians of the Galaxy, the Hulk, or Juggernaut. No, these beings have a comparable human mass for their physical statures. We have to remember the three, Gladiator, Superman and Blue Marvel have the power of beings possibly hundreds of times there visible physical mass, however, this mass and power is controlled. Why do I say it's controlled? Because they could not operate, perform or live in close proximity to normal humans if it wasn't. These beings must have a way to govern or turn down their incredible power when it is not needed in its fullest incarnation.

How do we know this? It’s simple, have you ever seen anyone try to get dressed while wearing a suit of armor? Even if you get extra large clothes, large enough to give in, the steel sections of armor won't, and it would still create an utterly ridiculous sight. What I am saying, is that for all of Superman’s vaunted strength and power, his skin is, at times supple. When I say supple, I do not mean weak, I mean supple. The skin of Clark Kent holding Lois Lanes' hand, getting a slap on the back by Perry White for a job well done and getting his hair ruffled as a prank by Jimmy Olsen, all feels like everyone else body parts. Remember, this is the same hair that flies through space and the surface of suns. What’s the difference? The difference is, it's not highly stimulated and agitated by massive amounts of gravitons. This hair is attached to the same being plowing through a solid iron meteor in outer space. So how does the same being fly through the heart of a star, the magma of a volcano, the Marianas Trench, and then goes over and joins his mother and sits in a fragile wooden rocking chair on her front porch?

Superman’s primary power is gravimetric in nature, he controls and manipulates gravitons.
Superman controls his mass via what must be gravitons, (Formerly, Theoretical particles of Gravity) that we in the real world just discovered that might actually exist. Like “Vision”, of the Avengers, Superman must constantly walk a fine line between floating away and breaking his chair at work when he sits down. When standing in front of a speeding Army Tank, his mass is totally different than that of floating in the sky. He is still invulnerable to injury while floating, but hit with sufficient force he can be moved. This all makes sense if Superman is manipulating gravitons.
In-flight, he asserts his gravitons in the opposite direction he wants to travel. Using these abilities for flight in reverse, he increases his mass possibly again, via the manipulated gravitons. 

These graviton particles drawn in massive amounts, in and among his living cells in great quantities in effect create a kind of force-field effect on a cellular level. This is why we see when Superman or Clark is unconscious, a hypodermic needle can press and bend his skin before the needle breaks. However, when he is conscious and has willed a near maximum amount of graviton agitation, we get the invulnerability we seen in the “Superman Returns” movie where a 50 caliber round bounces off his fully exposed open eye! When Clark is giving Martha Kent a hug, she does not feel like she is hugging the metal body of “Cyborg” of the Teen Titans.

So, we get to the magic question. How do we know Superman has the ability to consciously shunt his power levels, or if they can be shunted at all? We see this when he, Kryptonians, are exposed to the effects of Green Kryptonite.

GREEN KRYPTONITE: Krypton is a real chemical element with the symbol Kr and atomic number 36. While not the comic book version, Krypton is an actual substance on earth. 
This comic book substance, one of the few materials able to interrupt Kal-El's alien mutation. I call Superman's affliction an Alien Mutation because this is exactly what is it. His abilities are solely the result of him, and his metabolism, being placed in an entirely different galaxy his race evolved in. As with all living organisms, his metabolism was forced to either adapt or perish. Since we have surmised that Superman's primary power might be the manipulation of graviton particles, particles he has voluntarily control over how much of it saturates his cells. This agitation must be painfully interrupted when exposed to Green Kryptonite. This may also cause rapid cellular decay in Kryptonians as well. Much like, but worse than x-rays cause in cells in normal human beings. The closer proximity this radiation is to a Kryptonian, and higher the adverse affects. If you can imagine the immediate, involuntarily expulsion of all the gravitons from a Kryptonian body all at once. Where each living cell had it's on force-field torn from it, yikes!

Superman's other abilities are, of course, derived from our yellow sun. Living organisms consciously controlling their body's functions on a cellular level is not unheard of. Take the control cephalopods (Octopi) have over the specialized cells (Chromatophores) covering their outer bodies. These cells are controlled and can change both shape and color. Who knows, maybe having evolved in a system with a red sun, Kryptonians developed and the ability to do the same. With so little yellow sun radiation present, they may have gained the ability to extract or shield the radiation from the red sun consciously using this ability. Much the same way we human extract vitamin D from our yellow sun, times a thousand. This excess energy a Kryptonian gets from a yellow sun is, of course, manifested in the abilities we see in Superman.

Again, like all living organisms, even plants and humans, there exists an electromagnetic field. It would not be too far a stretch to suggest that Kryptonians also have one. If Superman willed his strength, or gravitonic agitation high enough, the effect could transcend out around the locality of his body. This means any tight-fitting clothing he wore would also afford some protection. This could explain why it's terribly difficult to damage his uniform while in combat, as it too is enveloped withing this field. 

For all of these great powers and abilities, these beings, some of them, have opted to live among us Normies instead of on Mt. Olympus. When they choose this life, they had to have a plan, and method to live among us, without accidentally KILLING us.

When these super-massive beings are interacting with regular humans they must issue forth a conscious effort for continuous control of their powers. Clark cannot take the Daily Planet's elevator up to his office while having the SAME mass he uses when stopping a tank. When catching a falling airliner, or carrying a battleship, Superman spreads his gravitons over the large object he is carrying, thereby making it lighter as well. Adjusting this force, he can align with the earth's gravity, or that of a nearby stellar body, and instantly be pulled along in what looks like flight at instantaneous speeds. He can, for instance, do a handstand on the Rock of Gilbraltar, and draw in gravitons in such amounts, he can create a gravimetric wave. This process can passively dislodge earth or any other planet from its orbit.

By the same token, Blue Marvel is not going to walk around with his cohorts, in a non-threatening situation, with the mass he uses to smash a meteor. They MUST evoke some sort of governing-down of their powers while with friends and family. And while they are with friends and family they CAN be taken by surprise and even tripped. 
I can remember back in the 1970s a Superhero Martial Artist called Karate Kid, took a young Superman by surprise by turning Superboy’s own super strength against him. Now could Superboy have defeated him? Of course, he could have. But like anyone, being tested and jibed in a non-threating act by someone we know, we can be caught off guard. 

Clark's time as Superboy is also very interesting. As the youthful exuberance seen in human teens can be seen in this era. In short, young Kal-El had not yet mastered full controls of his powers. Regularly Kal-El broke the time-barrier to visit his friends in the far-flung future. This could have been done by pushing his control over gravitons to the peak stressors his youthful cells could muster. In other words, if our present science said that Gravitons were only theoretical and turn out to be real, then could another now theoretical particle also be found to exist? 

The particle I speak of is faster than light, its called the Tachyon Particle. Could gravitons and tachyons be related? Both of them are part of the great Electromagnetic Spectrum that governs the physical fabric of our reality? So did Superboy temporarily transform himself into light when he made those runs into the future? Is this why he had to wrap in his invulnerable cape, (Made by Brainiac 5) any normal person he took with him in that fashion through his time barrier? Whoa, ok, even my head is spinning now.

Believe it, Superman CAN be flipped, if caught off guard, while in public, and by a regular person. Of course, this regular person will have to have the strength and expertise to say, flip a human that weighs two hundred plus pounds. This weight can be arrived at by taking into account Clark's physical dimensions, and the kinetic movements and interactions he must evoke on a daily basis. We must remember, in order for the Clark Kent persona to work, one cannot bump into him at the office or on the street and feel like they bumped into a marble pillar. Clark is a solid and robust man, he does not always feel like steel.

However, Superman CANNOT be hurt by the impact of the flip. With Superman's size height and girth, he must govern his powers down to give him a near-normal and comparable human-mass. Just as fighters, warriors, law enforcement and others who have a heightened sense of security and or warfare. These defenses are also governed down when at home, with friends at outings. When Superman is relaxed he is not in the physical state he would be in say fighting Doomsday. This may also explain why it takes Superman so long to build up to his full superhuman levels when fighting opponents that are his match. Most of his time is spent around normal humans and therefore, his powers, during that time, remain shunted.

I hope this makes sense in a theoretical light.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why many Professional Athletes cheat, and cheat violently

Why many Professional Athletes cheat, and cheat violently

Well, here it is; the most sought after answer to the question of the ages.
“They cheat because most of them should not be married in the first place.”
                Is there anyone else who didn’t see that answer coming? Very simple, many of these guys are just simply not ready for marriage with the type of testosterone-laden sex drives their profession affords them. And so they cheat and it is America’s fault that they cheat, and here is why;
Let’s just calm down and take a deep breath to look at what and who these athletes truly are, and more importantly what we as a society have made them.

Oh yeah, you didn’t think you would get away without having any hand in this did you?
Oh yes, for every man woman and child who have paid for a sports event, any sports event we have made these men and women who they are.  
We have created the climate.
So first off let’s look at what we are really talking about. Know that I have long been an advocate of women’s rights and their protection. As the oldest son, my own mother was a victim of Domestic Violence back in the 1960s, well before there were agencies put in place to help such women. My mother took me and my three other siblings and moved 732 miles away from my father to go live with her parents. My mother NEVER went back and this I believe as key to my father’s healing, as he eventually remarried, and was a far better husband that second time around from suffering that loss. He told me personally before he died of cancer that he always regretted his actions, and losing his family. Men have no way of knowing how to be a good father or husband, by our nature as men we do not learn like women, we learn mostly by trial and error. We get the best lessons from our losses. When we lose something we learn not to go down that same road again, it’s as simple as that. We also learn what we value. We place value in things by how hard it was to acquire the thing or person. So it is true in relationships; if a woman chases him or makes it too easy for him, she has little value in his mentality of her worth. So with all the work groupies put into chasing athletes and entertainers, the poor women never have a chance at being the true APPLE of his eye. 

MEN MUST CHASE! It’s how we are wired.

There is no way to get around it, these glorified sports figures and heroes are really modern-day Gladiators. Despite all the high-tech glitz, computer-generated graphics and animation, life-long statistics available at the push of a button, these guys and gals are all just modern-day Roman Gladiators. I think it is important that you know here and now that I am not nor have I ever been a sports fan. I do not go to the events, watch them on television, subscribe or follow them. The only time I ever have any direct involvement in it at all was during the time my son participated in school, or one of my business partners makes the event a part of a business deal or function.

So please do not get the idea that I am in any ways defending what these or any other married man does, even if he is an athlete, but I understand. I will clearly, state facts derived from both history and the human males biological and psychological make-up.
So let’s look at the life of a Gladiator of old for the similarities.
A gladiator usually started off as a slave. The best depiction of this life was in the novel “The Gladiator” a very good book by Alan Baker.

But for our purpose here we will merely skim the surface of this demanding life.
There are four or five different stages of the Gladiator’s life depending on the source and how you interpret the stages of Apprentice/Gladiator. Some say there is only the Gladiator stage, while other’s recognize this training as a stage as well.

                As a SLAVE the man was usually leftover from a pillaged township or casualty of war where he was not hurt too badly. In this case, he was sent off to become a fighter gladiator. I will not go into great detail of all the other jobs in and around the arena where they trained. For the purposes of this example, we are talking about a man who has proven to have the mettle to be a fighter.

                As an APPRENTICE he would train very similar to the way our military and football camps train today. These men knew only days of pain and pushing themselves harder than they did on the previous day. The only difference was they worked with sharp objects, many, sharp objects. 

                As a fully functioning GLADIATOR, his bouts are now to the death in many cases. His name is now being written and passed along on the programs of which he participates. All of Rome who is literate and of any means now knows his name as well. Like a prized mare, he is cared for and pampered for the thrills, entertainment, and of course, the money he now brings. While still in his prime he would be brought before women of all types to gear children in hopes of rearing yet another prodigy of death. There are even cases when the fighters of the best prowess are brought before the Emperor, or the Emperor has been known to make a visit to the very stables if the fighter was great enough.

                It is here that he becomes a HERO and even the Emperors of those days recognized the power of a man adored. So the cozying up to the hero gladiator was also a very smart political ploy as well. Capitalizing off the fame and notoriety of the most popular gladiator of the day was the norm. In bolstering the Emperor, these men also bolstered their livelihood.

                From this stage, if they were extremely lucky and survived that arena which is rare, he graduated from the hero and became a CITIZEN of Rome. In this capacity, he could be employed at training younger gladiators, while taking part in all citizen privileges.

                It is in this capacity where we find our sports heroes of the day. There are no longer the categories of a slave, and citizenship doesn’t have to be won. So today we have all the segments of Apprentice, Gladiator, Hero, all rolled up into one. We have covered up the unattractive portions of today’s sports, and even sugar-coated much of the seedy happenings like gambling by pretending it is a rare occurrence whenever it comes to light.

                So here we have today the very same dynamic in place that existed some two thousand years ago with men being almost bred in some cases to be superstars. We cheer them on only after they have been recognized. Lord only knows what their lives were like when they were unknowns. One can only guess at what the demanding parent was like in some cases. The pressure to perform no matter what is constant and insatiable. We ask of them to outperform not only others but themselves each and every year. The only way for them to do that is to resort to sport-enhancement drugs and pain killers. And of course when the inevitable happens, the crash, we don’t give a sympathetic ear, instead we, their fans bash them more for being caught. We give little care to what they did to be on top, we only care that they are on top.                        
                In our own pathetic attempt to escape our own dreary little lives we have lived through these Gladiators. We sit on the couch and live through their lives instead of getting off the said couch and doing our own sit-ups and push-ups. I mentioned earlier that these men should not be married, and I meant it. Look at what we do to them. Understand, these are not just men, they are EXTRAORDINARY men, and in every sense of the word. They have developed a lifestyle of; well Nike says it best,
Just doing it.
                Anyone having a modicum understanding of what testosterone does to a man understands that not only does he need more food, more physical exertion, and yes, more ways to release said tensions and stress that accompany this life. These are very extraordinary human beings. Yet what we do to them in America is heinous. Just as we live through them and their actions, we, in turn, expect them to look, live, and love like us couch potatoes.
Very wrong answer.
                We put them in business suits and ties, fashion them in exotic cars and bring them to board meetings, all the while they are dreaming of doing what they do best, being in the action. It is a part of their DNA just as our hair color is. There is no turning back now. It is said that a healthy man thinks about sex every half hour in the prime of his life. If this is so, then imagine what kind of sex and how much of it these supercharged individuals think of? Don’t believe me?
Read what the experts say!

                As I said in the beginning, I am not condoning or defending these individuals, only explaining what is happening. You see the owners and older men all expect a certain amount of decorum and propriety from these athletes, but that is based on their current physical condition and psychological state of being, not the athletes’. There may also be a bit of self-preservation at work from the older executives and coaches as if this gets too widespread what will their wives think they are all doing out on the road.
                The reason I said many of them should not be married I meant at that time. In my own personal opinion, no athlete should ever get married until they are about to retire, or HAVE retired. In this day and age, I also put most of the blame on the women who marry such men. Come on now, come on. Who is surprised in this day, age when they hear of sports and entertainers having extra-marital affairs or domestic violence? Unless you have been living under a rock the answer is no one. What is clearly happening is that we are placing very confining restrictions on very extraordinary persons. What needs to happen is that a very clear and concise understanding needs to be imparted to these women about these colossal men they want to marry. They need to understand that a man used to living and fulfilling the sexual drive of a gladiator, cannot, and will not, be subdued with a “Suzie-Homemaker.” Sadly even these men will also need to made aware of this. Americans try too hard to push these individuals into these molds not because they are what all Americans believe or subscribe to, but because it is what makes us at home feel comfortable as Americans. Everyone knows now the infidelity with these individuals is not about sex or love, no not at all. It’s about a man, the man being acknowledged as such, as the man. This can manifest in various ways as we discussed in earlier chapters of the book.
                If you didn’t know it before, you know it now. If you take away a man’s peace of mind you may as well not have him at all.
                Believe me; he will go where ever he can to find it, the local pub, his buddies, a video game, or another woman. This is why the world’s oldest profession is still around and will remain so. When the man pays for those services he gets what he wants. Due to the women who work in the profession, they have known enough men to know when they like to be left alone. Men are mostly solitary beings who really like alone time and only come together for the time they are ready to start a family. When we push men into family situations when they are not ready we will always have infidelity. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of good men out there and even greater fathers, but that is only when they are ready, and for men, that’s usually only when they have sufficient motivation.
                So here we are at yet another level of understanding that really should be the woman’s responsibility to understand that these extraordinary men cannot be contained sooner than they are ready. Yes, on the outside they look like the perfect providers. Well, and a serial killer who is a millionaire would look like a perfect provider from the outside looking in as well. And yes, there is no sign written across the forehead of these men telling the world who they really are. So what’s the secret? The only tried and true way to tell is the way our forefathers did. A very long courting phase, a courting phase without sex. If he cannot wait for you without sex, then he is not ready for marriage.
See, I told you it was simple.

-The Escape-
                Home is a place we will visit a lot in this book. Most people in the United States have one. We are not talking about just folk who pay a mortgage, but folk in mansions, prisons, cardboard boxes, apartments. Wherever we lay our heads to sleep is home regardless of what its exterior looks like. This is the place where we are comfortable, where we let our hair down. Ladies, women, wives, mothers, if you take anything away from this book at all know this, a man views home differently than how you view home. We will not delve into that difference in as much as the most vital of those differences, their affect. For a man, a home is where he can be himself and his environment in some way is a reflection of him, as well as his wife. For most women, the home is a place to be shown as well as lived in. It is comfortable, but in many cases only to her standards. Very rarely do we find a home where the wife realizes her husband needs space and leaves that space to him. But this is not just physical space we are referring to, the intangible part of the home, the emotional part is vital as well, and the most overlooked. If this dynamic, this principle is usurped, he will not be comfortable or at ease in his own home. We are not saying men should be bullies and defend their territory. We are saying both parties must realize what the home represents to all who live in it. In situations of severe hoarding, we see this dynamic gone awry if it is not held in check.
                This can only be done through continued communication. Men need to detox from their day. I repeat, men need to detox from their day. When they arrive home from work, they at least an hour to themselves ladies. We know you are tired too, but men need to be alone. There is something our make-up that spurs this. Maybe from our ancient hunting parties and forays into the wild chasing game. Whatever the reason leaves us be. Any woman who had a relationship with a man where she occupies much of his time, (living together) you know that after a while it takes longer for him to get home from work. This is not solely to get away from you but to capture his lost detox time. Hard-wired into men is the head of the household mode. It is the basis of his role in his home. If you are a single woman, and you allow a man into your home and then, then, you want to question the methodology of his style of leadership? Hello, it's too late then. So prevalent is this leadership mode that if you have a young son as a single mother then know that his male-ship (the only male in the home) gives him leadership authority. Now, just as child-kings must learn in country’s with the monarchy, this role must be assumed responsibly. I have met many single mothers who for whatever misplaced reason, (guilt over being a single mother, misplaced love over the now-absent father) has allowed mom to shower the boy with the love reserved for his father, her lover.
                This combination of false rationale and guilt creates a monster of a man-child, who for lack of better terminology becomes a societal misfit. He cannot solve his problems, and usually will always depend on others, (usually women) to forever play his mother's role in his life. Now the only problem with this is, if the woman that eventually hooks up with him is unaware of his past, or cannot read the signs, (usually most young women can’t) then she is doomed to be connected to or have a child by this boy with facial hair. This is the problem that strikes at the heart of our society, women, and men improperly prepared for serious relationships. This also happens to be the nexus of this entire book. That in human relationships, it is the woman, who opens the door to the relationship. She, and not the man is responsible for her choice in choosing that man. If she chooses him based on shallow choices, then she deserves what she gets. In the end, the problem in America is its misplaced notion that the woman for whatever reason is totally EXCUSED in her part, her responsibility in her relationship choices. American has long taught women that they can assume ANY role in our society and be absolved of any responsibility in the aftermath. This is tantamount to Americans teaching Lions on the African Savannah not to attack and eat lambs, instead of teaching the lambs what a Lion looks like and to stay away from them. America wants to de-fang all the dangers in the jungle, INSTEAD of teaching new-comers into the jungle to be wary. Why is this? Because America is all about misplaced liberties these days, and heaven forbid we take away anyone’s liberty by having them be responsible for their actions, no matter how irresponsible those actions are. How about teaching young women what abusers look like as the mothers of old used to do. Teach them the clear signs that are always present during the early stages of dating so they can avoid the relationship BEFORE she has sex with him. In short, we have to re-teach women they cannot ACT like men in relationships, as this is what gets them TREATED like men.
Until America wakes up and truly wants to tackle the problem, by properly educating BOTH parties of their responsibility, until then we will only deal with this painful subject AFTER the victims has already been made.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Get him out of your FACE!

Get him OUT of your face! How does a perfectly healthy woman end up in a relationship or marriage where she is not wife or lover, but MOTHER? A phenomenon I will never be able to understand is the wanton disregard so many of today's women have for their own well being in regard to relationships. Look, there is a distinct difference between dating and going steady, or being engaged. Why is DATING being given the attention and level of importance of marriage or engagement? The reason? Many women are not requiring any standards at all in their choice of men and the value of their own lives. Look, if you are a woman dating and just out to have a good time then by all means do so. Just don’t give out any important information such as your postal address, work address and so forth. Yet if you are looking for a meaningful relationship to go the next level, then there are some very important principles you must understand. This means employing new tactics, and not the same ones you used while dating. For instance, once you have identified Mr. Right then there should be NO SEX at the on-set. That’s right, crazy isn’t it? You see, as men we hold women to two standards, she is either a Whore or Wholesome, and we never bring the whore home to meet Mom. To catch the guy with the best intentions, then he must stay when there is no sex and respect your position. You have to do this to see what it is he is ultimately after, you or the sex. If he cannot stick around then there is no loss. The problem with many of today’s women is that they have been taught that being alone is bad. Here is the most important of principles, your self-worth. If you have little to no self worth, in other words, you are prepared to be ALONE rather than drop your standards in a relationship; you are DOOMED to be hurt. Once you decide to look for a deeper relationships and partner there are three basic measures to live by in these new interactions; 1. He must have a job. (If he has a job chances are he understands he cannot keep a good job by wearing his Pants down below his ass.) 2. He must have his OWN place to live, even if it with another male roommate. 3. He must have a car, (Important) registered to HIM, not Mom, not his ex-girl friend, but to him. (This shows he can follow through with a commitment. Graduating High School also shows this, as isn’t working a job, and graduating High School both easier than helping take care of a family?) There are ways to check all of these things out, and if you do not know them then you spend too much foolish time on the internet. If a man you are interested in does not qualify with these three sectors then he should never be in your face except to say hello. Men do not mature like women; we are just not given the serious IMPETUS from society to do so. We can choose when to mature and will only do so if a situation or woman is worth it. “The sad truth is that women will always be the most vulnerable one in relationships, due to her capacity to love the way she loves.js1. Agape 2. Eros 3. Nurturing These are the three types of love that trip up women. It is a fact that women and men love differently. A man can have sex with no deep emotional connection at all, while many women cannot. When a woman comes across a man in need of help, usually her nurturing love kicks in as it would for a son, but for this grown man. This is never good as men need to be forced or have a reason to drag themselves up out of life’s hardships. This is why Single Mother’s create so many men who cannot support themselves let alone another woman or family. This type of interference gives men a false sense of security that MOM will always step in and save them from adversity. Thereby never giving many men a chance to understand that there are many things a real man has do to he does not like. Shame on ANY woman taking care of a man she is not MARRIED to. And even then, for too long.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Motherhood must come before you are a mother.

Statistics have long touted that economically, life is easier for adults when they come together to live and eke out a living. For most of us this agreement is sealed in marriage. This statistic is also validated through the most heated debate in recent years of Same-Sex-marriage. Most laws recognize legal marriage as a union between a man and woman. To break this down to just ANY union of adults is just plain selfish. Obviously, to alleviate this problem, new laws must be enacted. But this is not the topic of discussion. When two people come to together in marriage, at least in the United States, it LEGALLY binds and obligates both parties, especially the husband to care for his legally responsible family, by law. In other words, it legally reinforces his verbal promise to support his family. Marriage is more than the wedding and it takes MORE than just love for a successful one. Here is the kicker. Why is it that so many women today give men a free-pass on their support obligations by having unprotected sex BEFORE marriage? I mean, if the woman does not understand that SHE is usually the one who GETS pregnant, then what hope does she and her offspring have? In her fulfillment in the myth of sexual equality, she exposes herself and her children to a crippled start in life. Did you know that it is a woman's responsibility to make sure she has exhausted every means to ensure she has set provision for her offspring? Today in the United States this is even easier through our laws of child support. Yet many women give away this right, out-right. Think about it.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Feeding the world or fattening our households?

Feeding the world or fattening our households? Here we go again. Down the same road many others have gone before us. As with any biological species, some 90% of our human daily activities are centered around getting sustenance, food. Whether directly or indirectly the activity is there and its fierce. For some of us we have amassed enough resources to have our families swimming in food. Yet what does this mean for the riches nation on the planet, to ever hqve existed. Right now in the United States food takes up only 19 percent of our earned living when at one point it took up almost eighty percent. This was of course back when we had to hunt our own game. So, now that food is so cheap, (The cheapest it has ever been for our human race) what does that say about us as a people? If this were an ancient experimented in the human condition done hundreds of uswest ago the answer would be a simple one, we could wipe out ginger on the planet. Yet the sad truth is just the opposite. Our ancestors would see the we have instead opted to grow fat, gluttonouss, selfish, and disease-ridden. In all of this we have still achieved the what is today's ultimate human goal, We Feel Good. Any thoughts?

The Sorrow of today's Educator

The Sorrow of today's Educator From the blog subject above you can gleam I am not an educator, not in the traditional sense anyway. This leaves me free for what I am about to say in regards to many public schools in the United States. In essence as it relates to most parents whose children attend them today. Public schools have a hard enough time in EDUCATING our children, without the added self-absorded mind-set of their parents. Many of these parents do not actually care about their child's education at all. In this, our society's most selfish hour, most of their concern is of their child's exterior appearance, as this directly reflects back to them, the parent. So, the more affluent the child is perceived externally, the better the parent feels. How can we know this? Simple, the cell phone. How can this be? Let's take a look. While in school the only concern, the only focus is educating said child, nothing else. Of course there are some ancillary concerns brought on by the stresses of society such as feeding and in some cases even clothing the child, yet educating the child is the schools chief priority. Now, as adults who have already graduated into adulthood a good parent should understand this. Then why are children allow by parents to bring Cell phones to school? Why would ANY sane parent give the okay for their child to bring an instrument to school that actually forces their mind and attention AWAY from the primary reason their are attending in school in the first place. This is monstrously selfish, to send a child with school books AND a cell phone. Which one is going to get the bulk of child's attention I wonder? I have yet to hear in my half-century of life a reason well placed enough to warrent a child's cell phone in SCHOOL. What is the real reason? The parent's selfish attempt to stay in the child's good graces, and to flaunt their flawed ability to care for their child. So the question on the floor is, what's your excuse for purposefully distracting your child in school?