Saturday, May 12, 2012

Motherhood must come before you are a mother.

Statistics have long touted that economically, life is easier for adults when they come together to live and eke out a living. For most of us this agreement is sealed in marriage. This statistic is also validated through the most heated debate in recent years of Same-Sex-marriage. Most laws recognize legal marriage as a union between a man and woman. To break this down to just ANY union of adults is just plain selfish. Obviously, to alleviate this problem, new laws must be enacted. But this is not the topic of discussion. When two people come to together in marriage, at least in the United States, it LEGALLY binds and obligates both parties, especially the husband to care for his legally responsible family, by law. In other words, it legally reinforces his verbal promise to support his family. Marriage is more than the wedding and it takes MORE than just love for a successful one. Here is the kicker. Why is it that so many women today give men a free-pass on their support obligations by having unprotected sex BEFORE marriage? I mean, if the woman does not understand that SHE is usually the one who GETS pregnant, then what hope does she and her offspring have? In her fulfillment in the myth of sexual equality, she exposes herself and her children to a crippled start in life. Did you know that it is a woman's responsibility to make sure she has exhausted every means to ensure she has set provision for her offspring? Today in the United States this is even easier through our laws of child support. Yet many women give away this right, out-right. Think about it.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Feeding the world or fattening our households?

Feeding the world or fattening our households? Here we go again. Down the same road many others have gone before us. As with any biological species, some 90% of our human daily activities are centered around getting sustenance, food. Whether directly or indirectly the activity is there and its fierce. For some of us we have amassed enough resources to have our families swimming in food. Yet what does this mean for the riches nation on the planet, to ever hqve existed. Right now in the United States food takes up only 19 percent of our earned living when at one point it took up almost eighty percent. This was of course back when we had to hunt our own game. So, now that food is so cheap, (The cheapest it has ever been for our human race) what does that say about us as a people? If this were an ancient experimented in the human condition done hundreds of uswest ago the answer would be a simple one, we could wipe out ginger on the planet. Yet the sad truth is just the opposite. Our ancestors would see the we have instead opted to grow fat, gluttonouss, selfish, and disease-ridden. In all of this we have still achieved the what is today's ultimate human goal, We Feel Good. Any thoughts?

The Sorrow of today's Educator

The Sorrow of today's Educator From the blog subject above you can gleam I am not an educator, not in the traditional sense anyway. This leaves me free for what I am about to say in regards to many public schools in the United States. In essence as it relates to most parents whose children attend them today. Public schools have a hard enough time in EDUCATING our children, without the added self-absorded mind-set of their parents. Many of these parents do not actually care about their child's education at all. In this, our society's most selfish hour, most of their concern is of their child's exterior appearance, as this directly reflects back to them, the parent. So, the more affluent the child is perceived externally, the better the parent feels. How can we know this? Simple, the cell phone. How can this be? Let's take a look. While in school the only concern, the only focus is educating said child, nothing else. Of course there are some ancillary concerns brought on by the stresses of society such as feeding and in some cases even clothing the child, yet educating the child is the schools chief priority. Now, as adults who have already graduated into adulthood a good parent should understand this. Then why are children allow by parents to bring Cell phones to school? Why would ANY sane parent give the okay for their child to bring an instrument to school that actually forces their mind and attention AWAY from the primary reason their are attending in school in the first place. This is monstrously selfish, to send a child with school books AND a cell phone. Which one is going to get the bulk of child's attention I wonder? I have yet to hear in my half-century of life a reason well placed enough to warrent a child's cell phone in SCHOOL. What is the real reason? The parent's selfish attempt to stay in the child's good graces, and to flaunt their flawed ability to care for their child. So the question on the floor is, what's your excuse for purposefully distracting your child in school?

Defending One's Profession

Defending One's Profession, is a concept we coined in the work, "Of Astrophysics and Faith. It refers to the relevancy of the Truth. In other words, for mankind, there appears to be no such thing as absolute truth. Once the absolute is stumbled upon and is in direct conflict with the discoverers versions of the truth, it is sequestered away. For example; if I were a professor working for a well established university and discovered that not all of the dinosaurs died out at once, that some of them survived until mankind arrived on the scene, I could not release this discovery. As the allegiance of my employment lies with the institutional that feeds me and my family, and not the truth. Our American Society at least has subscribed to this doctrine for centuries, pasted on from Europe. The discussion? Should we be surprised where this has led us today?

What would Faith and Free-Will look like in a cosmic classroom?

Ever wonder what things like FAITH and FREE WILL would look like if we could quantify them? See why when Astrophysics is held up against Faith, faith affords the benefit of inclusion with less cost. See; Of Astrophysics and Faith
5th Dimension video: 5th Dimension video 6th Dimension video: 6th Dimension video: Know that God's greatest gift to man before Christ, was knowledge, the third was the fifth dimension or free will.js The dual nature of the human mind is what makes it the perfect receiver. The culmination of the brains electrical energy is what pushes it over into its ethereal nature, the mind. This dual existence is what gives us the quantifiable measurements of the brains synaptic function, its biological life. While the counterpart, the mind, is neither tangible nor measurable. This opens up a very interesting probability. What if a segment of the human mind is connected in some way to the very fabric of our universe? This means, that if this intangible portion of the universe is detectable, (Dark Matter and Dark Energy) then both communication and manipulation of the mind is possible. It may be further plausible that most of our minds are actually CONFIGURED for this limited awareness. Meaning, that many if not most so-called alien abductions may only be occurring mentally, yet this in no way means they are any less real than a PHYSICAL abduction. If feelings such as love, hate, and happiness are not quantifiable but real, then these occurrences could also be real in like manner. In other words, an intelligence, able to manipulate Dark Matter or Dark Energy, could, through mental manipulation conduct any research it needed from afar, with the same results as if it was physically present. So, does the fact that we can peer millions of years deeper into past-time and space than ever before means that it is not real because we can never physically touch it? Could it be the biggest of the best of holograms? There is no way we could ever know physically, and in the end, does it even matter? New thinkers in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics have arrived at some very interesting junctures. These junctures revolve around our understanding of the dimensional layers of our universe. Our dimensions can be best understood as foundational layers for our perceptions not too unlike the layers of a cake. Right now we are going to talk about the two most important dimensions to us human beings, the fifth and sixth dimensions. (Please watch the two video links above first before going further) The fifth dimension, of course, is built upon the foundational relativity of the previous ones. Most of my research and study delves into the fact that in our modern age we are only rediscovering through advances in technological thought processes, what our ancients already knew through Spiritual Inspiration. The understanding of what they called heaven and our present reality is very similar, to what we now understand in the different dimensions, the only difference; Technical language. This sheds no defamation on the great thinkers of today, yet our ancient forefathers must also be given credit for their forward thinking, without the advent of established scientific principles to back up their writings and findings. The end result shows that the fifth dimension is our human free-will, and then the sixth dimension must be FAITH, or as I like to call it, our Willed Intentions on Probable Out-comes. Could not "Phase Space" also be understood as “Faith Space?” As you watch and listen to the video, think about what the same explanation would sound like as an ancient listened to it. Think of all the speech changes the same voice in the video would have to make to deliver the same explanation to an ancient people; the explanation of what we now know as free will and faith. With eleven known dimensions known or coined thus far what does this mean for us regular thinkers? Nothing at all, as to quote a phrase from Mr. Ambrose Bierce, "Nothing Matters." A last note; in the video "Imagining the sixth dimension". It was suggested that we cannot jump from our own unique timeline of probability to another where say the dinosaurs still exist, because we are ants with only ONE means if traveling, which is in the third dimension. Yet, what of beings who can travel like the fly, in the fourth dimension? Beings that live in other dimensions you say. Sure it’s possible if we have creatures on earth that are relegated to lower dimensions than we humans traverse, so of course, there must be older life forms living in other adjacent dimensions. And if they travel as the fly does through the water hose, then they can get to many other places a whole lot faster than we can, if ever. What would we perceive them as, as they passed through our dimension and onto higher ones? Would they look like UFO's, shards if light, or maybe even angels?