Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Sanctity of the Household

We all know humans have problems. The Equation of our free will has put us in a precarious position over the millennia. It has given us the ability to become both the blessings of GOD and the Curse of the EARTH. This duality exists in part due to our free will, the fact that we are Spiritual beings who temporarily inhabit Physical bodies. So like a dream, that portion of the dream at the immediate, is the part of our existence that seems more real. What I mean to say is the physical world has our attention far more than the Spiritual, and yet we are a part of both. Every Human Household is imbued with the level of Sanctity of whoever is the head of said household. When this headship or sanctification is out of place we have discord and chaos. MAN was created to be the head of a household. So, this means that if a Single Mom has a male child then guess what, that male child is Head of household. Like a child-king he cannot totally rule due to his limited knowledge, but his mantle is already in place. This is why disruptions occur when the mother brings men into the home for intimacies who are not her husband. It is also why even if there is a biological father in place when the boy comes of age his mantle of authority clashes with that of Fathers. If a Single-Mother must have sex it must be done outside of HER household if she is not married. To do so in her home when she already has a male child there upsets the homes balance. The only way a woman can be the head of Household in the spiritual sense is if she and a daughter are its only occupants.
Household sanctification cannot be avoided, if you dwell in a house with more than one occupant, someone must head it. A good example of this at play is seen in Homo-sexual relationships. You see, this process is ingrained in our human-code due to its spiritual nature. So profound is it that even couples of the same sex recognize it. When same-sex couples set out in an attempt to make a home, even they see that ONE of them MUST adopt a man's mantle.

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