Tuesday, May 3, 2011

All Defunct Systems Must Die!

Defunct Systems?

Banking, Automotive, and Schools. What do all these have in common? They are huge systems that have carried us through to where we are today. But as each of us as adult readers, we know the importance of systems and subsystems that can adapt in accordance the outside world in which it is established. If the said systems cannot cope with the changes brought in, then the system has to be modified. However, no matter how great the modification if the environmental change is too fast, no system can cope with it. We see this most prevalent today in our world's environment. With global warming, we see that man's open abuse of the earth's systems has accelerated the "Greenhouse Affect" touted in the sixties, now coined "Global Warming." We spoke on earlier about how the underlying principles are with us in this physical world. We also learned how the success of the ones still in operation today are there because certain species have adapted. All the species that do not adapt, die. All the species that do not adjust, die. These Defunct entities must die for from their ashes pour the new and improved versions of itself. So is it with the defunct systems of our country, namely the three mentioned at the beginning. To attempt to save them is a noble and virtuous cause, but a fatally flawed and illogical one. All defunct systems MUST DIE! They just have to. Only man of all the species on the seeks to subvert such an intrinsic order as death itself.

I wrote some years ago about Defunct systems on the earth and why the natural course of these systems is death. Defunct Systems must die, they should die. Christ gave us a great example of that in
Matthew 21:19 KJV
And when He saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.

The Fig tree represented a Defunct System.
God is not a Waster of Space. (See "Of Astrophysics and Faith") God makes use of every molecule, every atom, has a function and purpose. If one of these molecules or one of these atoms where to be removed, or not able to fulfill its purpose a catastrophe would ensue. Like a house of dominoes on a nano-level the physical structures around us would start to collapse. You see, the Fig Tree had a purpose, too many purposes to go into at the moment, but its immediate purpose at the time Christ encountered it was to bear figs. When it did not Christ cursed it and it died.
All Defunct Systems must die, do die if by no one's hand but it's own. Today’s we are where we are as a society because we have grown accustomed to saving Defunct Systems. The only reason this happens is not to the betterment of people, but usually because of self-gain or capitalism.
Our government is Defunct and has been for a long time. It was created to serve and to protect its people. Instead, it uses the people as fodder for the gain of only a few. His comes to light now more than ever before. Being who we are as human beings we have always needed examples or death to move us en-masse in a particular direction. We hate taking medicine that tastes bad today, for a better tomorrow. So for most of us, things have to get very hard for us to be moved out of our Old Normals and into New Normals, as my Pastor would say.
Here are just a few examples of today’s Defunct systems in the United States;
Our Government, Our School System, Our Health Care System, Our Financial System, and Our Food System just to name a few. You also may have noticed the word "Our" in front of each of these systems. This purposeful in that these systems belong to the people they serve. So what have the People they serve been doing?
Because of our own selfish motives and desires, we have let others do our work for us, and the moment it all blows up we want to hang someone. These systems, all of them are dying and have been dying for a long time. We should have let them die or evolve into what their natural incarnation warrants. Take the school system for example; almost twenty years ago Bill Gates tried his hardest to get the United States to allow him to help revamp our failing education system. So what did they do instead? They blocked him at every turn while WE THE PEOPLE sat back and did nothing. Today we have school closings and budgetary failing across the board while our students are still some of the dumbest in the world. Why are we still using books when their pages of information are outdated by the time the student first opens them? One five gigabyte thumb drive can replace every book in a student’s academic career. In this day and age, the most appalling thing seen in public is a student lugging fifty pounds of books. A student’s desktop can be a computer touch screen there reducing the need for another bulky onsite system. All the other systems can be equally improved upon, and why aren't they?
This is why all of these systems must die; they will die whether we want them to or not because they no longer serve the need.

The need as God sent Christ to point out is PEOPLE.
Churches that fall into the category of being defunct should also die, and they will because many of them longer serve a need but to only a few in their congregations. Instead of the church taking care of the people, it has been reversed in many areas to the people taking care of the church. Why? Because most churches operate from paycheck to paycheck just like most of their members. If you expend most of the churches energies trying to make everyone Priests instead of Kings as some are called to be, the church and the people remain poor. They both, in turn, evolve into a sad parasitic symbiotic relationship where no one prospers, except the church officers of course.
So should churches and any other defunct entity die? Of course, it should. This is how the cycle of living order works, nothing that fails to serve a purpose or produces nothing outside of itself lives for long. The true question is how long can human-kind survive its love of saving things that should not be saved? Every month there are several species of animal life including human tribes and cultures somewhere that dies out.
Just as the dinosaurs were here for a while and are now gone all life is not constant. So species are only here to fill a delicate niche only for a short while. Their passing on is indeed a part of the plan.
When will we realize that saving the likes of the Snow Leopard and the Polar Bear may mean the most defunct species of all will have to die, mankind.

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