Thursday, May 5, 2011

Our New Country

What a man like the President would admire and make the most use of from his African American Brothers would be plain and simple, Respect.

In respect I mean please stop embarrassing the man. Please!

Ok, so we have the first African American in History, the first example to all people the world over that our Unite States Constitution just may really mean what it says, what the Pledge of Allegiance says, and this is still how we act?

For decades some of our collective behavior has announced, “When this country starts to really treat us as equals who have an actual chance I will change.”

Well here is a start, and still we snatch the microphones from little girls as it is televised to millions; play stupid child games that forfeit our million-dollar careers; jumping to our deaths off of speeding pickup trucks, have orgies on yachts, shooting ourselves in the leg with our own firearms, and still disrespecting our women for the love of money. Let’s start to show our respect in the form of the respect we show our biological Fathers, by trying to do things that will make mentioning your name in his presence bring a smile to his face, and not prompt him to call you a jackass. For six decades we have been waiting for a sign that may trigger a change, and now that its here, we don't even recognize it.

Why some Professional Athletes’ cheat in their marriages

Well, here it is; the most sought after answer of the ages.

“They cheat because most of them should not be married in the first place.”

Is there anyone else who didn’t see that answer coming? Very simple, many of these guys are just simply not ready for marriage with the type of testosterone-laden sex drives their profession affords them. And so they cheat and it is America’s fault that they cheat, and here is why;

Let’s just calm down and take a deep breath to look at what and who these athletes truly are, and more importantly what we as a society have made them.
Oh yeah, you didn’t think you would get away without having any hand in this did you?
Oh yes, for every man woman and child who have paid for a sports event, any sports event we have made these men and women who they are. We have created the climate.
So first off let’s look at what we are really talking about.
There is no way to get around it, these glorified sports figures and heroes are really modern-day Gladiators. Despite all the high tech glitz, Computer generated graphics and animation, Life-long statistics available at the push of a button, these guys and gals are all just modern day Roman Gladiators. I think it is important that you know here and now that I am not nor have I ever been a sports fan. I do not go to the events, watch them on television, subscribe or follow them. The only time I ever have any direct involvement in it at all was during the time my son participated in school, or one of my business partners makes the event a part of a business deal or function.
So please do not get the idea that I am in any ways defending what these or any other married man does, even if he is an athlete, but I understand. I will clearly state facts derived from both history and the human males biological and psychological make-up.
So let’s look at the life of a Gladiator of old for the similarities.
A gladiator usually started off as a slave. The best depiction of this life was in the novel “The Gladiator” a very good book by Alan Baker.
But for our purpose here we will merely skim the surface of this demanding life.
There are four or five different stages of the Gladiator’s life depending on the source and how you interpret the stages of Apprentice/Gladiator. Some say there is only the Gladiator stage, while other's recognize his training as a stage as well.

As a SLAVE the man was usually left over from a pillaged township or casualty of war where he was not hurt badly. In this case he was sent off to become a fighter gladiator. I will not go into great detail of all the other jobs in and around the arena where they trained. For the purposes of this example we are talking about a man who has proven to have the mettle to be a fighter.
As an APPRENTICE he would train very similar to the way our military and football camps train today. These men knew only days of pain and pushing themselves harder than they did on the previous day. The only difference was they worked with sharp objects, many, sharp objects. When they have been readied and prepared for the arena.
As a full functioning GLADIATOR his bouts are now to the death in many cases. His name is now being written and passed along on the programs of which he participates. All of Rome who is literate and of any means now know his name. Like a prized mare he is cared for and pampered for the thrills, entertainment, and of course, the money he now brings. There are even cases when the fighters of the best prowess are brought before the Emperor, or the Emperor has been known to make a visit to the very stables if the fighter was great enough.
It is here that he becomes a HERO, and even the Emperors of those days recognized the power of a man adored. So the cozying up to the hero gladiator was also a very smart political ploy as well. Capitalizing off the fame and notoriety of the most popular gladiator of the day was the norm.
From this stage if they were extremely lucky he graduated from hero and became a CITIZEN of Rome. In this capacity he could be employed at training younger gladiators, while taking part of all citizen privileges.
It is in this capacity where we find our sports heroes of the day. There are no longer the categories of slave, and citizenship doesn't have to be won. So today we have all the segments of Apprentice, Gladiator, Hero, all rolled up into one. We have covered up the unattractive portions of today’s sports, and even sugar-coated much of the seedy happenings like gambling by pretending it is a rare occurrence whenever it comes to light.
So here we have today the very same dynamic in place that existed some two thousand years ago with men being almost bred in some cases to be super stars. We cheer them on only after they have been recognized. Lord only knows what their lives were like when they were unknowns. One can only guess at what the demanding parent was like in some cases. The pressure to perform no matter what is constant and insatiable. We ask of them to out perform not only others, but themselves each and every year. The only way for them to do that is to resort to sport-enhancement drugs and pain killers. And of course when the inevitable happens, the crash, we don’t give a sympathetic ear, instead we, their fans bash them more for being caught. We give little care to what they did to be on top, we only care that they ARE on top. In our own pathetic attempt to escape our own dreary little lives we have lived through these Gladiators. We sit on the couch and live through their lives instead of getting off said couch and doing our own sit-ups and push-ups. I mentioned earlier that these men should not be married, and I meant it. Look at what we do to them. These are not just men, they are EXTRAORDINARY men, and in every sense of the word. They have developed a life style of, well Nike says it best, “Just doing it.”
Anyone having a modicum understanding of what testosterone does to a man understands that not only does he need more food, more physical exertion, and yes, more ways to release said tensions and stress that accompany this life. These are very extraordinary human beings. Yet what we do to them in America is heinous. Just as we live through them and their action, we in turn expect for them to look, live, and love like us couch potatoes.
Very wrong answer.
We put them in business suits and ties, fashion them in exotic cars and bring them to board meetings, all the while they are dreaming of doing what they do best, being in the action. It is a part of their DNA just as our hair color is. There is no turning back now. It is said that a healthy man thinks about sex every half hour in the prime of his life. If this is so then imagine what kind of sex and how much of it these super charged individuals think of? Don't believe me?
Read what the experts say!
As I said in the beginning, I am not condoning or defending these individuals, only explaining what is happening. You see the owners and older men all expect a certain amount of decorum and propriety from these athletes, but that it based on THEIR current physical condition and psychological state of being, not the athletes’. There may also be a bit of self-preservation at work from the older executives and coaches as if this gets too widespread what will their wives think they are all doing out on the road.
The reason I said many of them should not be married I meant at that time. In my own personal opinion no athlete should ever get married until they are about to retire. In this day and age I also put most of the blame on the women who marry such men. Come on now, come on. Who is surprised in this day, age when they hear of sports and entertainers having extra-marital affairs? Unless you have been living under a rock the answer is no one. What is clearly happening is that we are placing very confining restrictions on very extraordinary persons. What needs to happen is that very clear and concise understanding needs to be imparted to these women about these colossal men they want to marry. They need to understand that a man used to living and fulfilling the sexual drive of a gladiator cannot, and will not be subdued with a “Suzie-Homemaker.” Sadly even these men will also need to made aware of this. Americans try too hard to push these individuals into these molds not because they are what all Americans believe or subscribe to, but because it is what makes us at home feel comfortable as Americans. Every one knows now the infidelity with these individuals is not about sex or love, no not at all. It’s about a man, the man being acknowledged as such, as the man. This can manifest in various ways as we discussed in earlier chapters of the book.
If you didn’t know it before, you know it now. If you take away a man’s peace of mind you may as well not have him at all.
Believe me; he will go where ever he can to find it, the local pub, his buddies, a video game, or another woman. This is why the world’s oldest profession is still around and will remain so. When the man pays for those services he gets what he wants, and due to the women who work the profession they have known enough men to know when they like to be left alone. Men are solitary beings who really like alone time and only come together for the time they are ready to start family. When we push men into family situations when they are not ready we will always have infidelity. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of good men out there and even greater fathers, but that is only when THEY are ready to be such.
So here we are at yet another level of understanding that really should be the woman’s responsibility to understand that these extraordinary men cannot be contained sooner than they are ready. Yes, on the outside they look like the perfect providers. Well, and a serial killer who is a millionaire would look like a perfect provider from the outside looking in as well. And yes, there is no sign written across the forehead of these men telling the world who they really are. So what’s the secret? The only tried and true way to tell is the way our forefathers did. A very long courting phase, a courting phase WITHOUT sex. If he cannot wait for you without sex, then he is not ready for marriage.
See, I told you it was simple.

The Sanctity of the Household

We all know humans have problems. The Equation of our free will has put us in a precarious position over the millennia. It has given us the ability to become both the blessings of GOD and the Curse of the EARTH. This duality exists in part due to our free will, the fact that we are Spiritual beings who temporarily inhabit Physical bodies. So like a dream, that portion of the dream at the immediate, is the part of our existence that seems more real. What I mean to say is the physical world has our attention far more than the Spiritual, and yet we are a part of both. Every Human Household is imbued with the level of Sanctity of whoever is the head of said household. When this headship or sanctification is out of place we have discord and chaos. MAN was created to be the head of a household. So, this means that if a Single Mom has a male child then guess what, that male child is Head of household. Like a child-king he cannot totally rule due to his limited knowledge, but his mantle is already in place. This is why disruptions occur when the mother brings men into the home for intimacies who are not her husband. It is also why even if there is a biological father in place when the boy comes of age his mantle of authority clashes with that of Fathers. If a Single-Mother must have sex it must be done outside of HER household if she is not married. To do so in her home when she already has a male child there upsets the homes balance. The only way a woman can be the head of Household in the spiritual sense is if she and a daughter are its only occupants.
Household sanctification cannot be avoided, if you dwell in a house with more than one occupant, someone must head it. A good example of this at play is seen in Homo-sexual relationships. You see, this process is ingrained in our human-code due to its spiritual nature. So profound is it that even couples of the same sex recognize it. When same-sex couples set out in an attempt to make a home, even they see that ONE of them MUST adopt a man's mantle.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

All Defunct Systems Must Die!

Defunct Systems?

Banking, Automotive, and Schools. What do all these have in common? They are huge systems that have carried us through to where we are today. But as each of us as adult readers, we know the importance of systems and subsystems that can adapt in accordance the outside world in which it is established. If the said systems cannot cope with the changes brought in, then the system has to be modified. However, no matter how great the modification if the environmental change is too fast, no system can cope with it. We see this most prevalent today in our world's environment. With global warming, we see that man's open abuse of the earth's systems has accelerated the "Greenhouse Affect" touted in the sixties, now coined "Global Warming." We spoke on earlier about how the underlying principles are with us in this physical world. We also learned how the success of the ones still in operation today are there because certain species have adapted. All the species that do not adapt, die. All the species that do not adjust, die. These Defunct entities must die for from their ashes pour the new and improved versions of itself. So is it with the defunct systems of our country, namely the three mentioned at the beginning. To attempt to save them is a noble and virtuous cause, but a fatally flawed and illogical one. All defunct systems MUST DIE! They just have to. Only man of all the species on the seeks to subvert such an intrinsic order as death itself.

I wrote some years ago about Defunct systems on the earth and why the natural course of these systems is death. Defunct Systems must die, they should die. Christ gave us a great example of that in
Matthew 21:19 KJV
And when He saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.

The Fig tree represented a Defunct System.
God is not a Waster of Space. (See "Of Astrophysics and Faith") God makes use of every molecule, every atom, has a function and purpose. If one of these molecules or one of these atoms where to be removed, or not able to fulfill its purpose a catastrophe would ensue. Like a house of dominoes on a nano-level the physical structures around us would start to collapse. You see, the Fig Tree had a purpose, too many purposes to go into at the moment, but its immediate purpose at the time Christ encountered it was to bear figs. When it did not Christ cursed it and it died.
All Defunct Systems must die, do die if by no one's hand but it's own. Today’s we are where we are as a society because we have grown accustomed to saving Defunct Systems. The only reason this happens is not to the betterment of people, but usually because of self-gain or capitalism.
Our government is Defunct and has been for a long time. It was created to serve and to protect its people. Instead, it uses the people as fodder for the gain of only a few. His comes to light now more than ever before. Being who we are as human beings we have always needed examples or death to move us en-masse in a particular direction. We hate taking medicine that tastes bad today, for a better tomorrow. So for most of us, things have to get very hard for us to be moved out of our Old Normals and into New Normals, as my Pastor would say.
Here are just a few examples of today’s Defunct systems in the United States;
Our Government, Our School System, Our Health Care System, Our Financial System, and Our Food System just to name a few. You also may have noticed the word "Our" in front of each of these systems. This purposeful in that these systems belong to the people they serve. So what have the People they serve been doing?
Because of our own selfish motives and desires, we have let others do our work for us, and the moment it all blows up we want to hang someone. These systems, all of them are dying and have been dying for a long time. We should have let them die or evolve into what their natural incarnation warrants. Take the school system for example; almost twenty years ago Bill Gates tried his hardest to get the United States to allow him to help revamp our failing education system. So what did they do instead? They blocked him at every turn while WE THE PEOPLE sat back and did nothing. Today we have school closings and budgetary failing across the board while our students are still some of the dumbest in the world. Why are we still using books when their pages of information are outdated by the time the student first opens them? One five gigabyte thumb drive can replace every book in a student’s academic career. In this day and age, the most appalling thing seen in public is a student lugging fifty pounds of books. A student’s desktop can be a computer touch screen there reducing the need for another bulky onsite system. All the other systems can be equally improved upon, and why aren't they?
This is why all of these systems must die; they will die whether we want them to or not because they no longer serve the need.

The need as God sent Christ to point out is PEOPLE.
Churches that fall into the category of being defunct should also die, and they will because many of them longer serve a need but to only a few in their congregations. Instead of the church taking care of the people, it has been reversed in many areas to the people taking care of the church. Why? Because most churches operate from paycheck to paycheck just like most of their members. If you expend most of the churches energies trying to make everyone Priests instead of Kings as some are called to be, the church and the people remain poor. They both, in turn, evolve into a sad parasitic symbiotic relationship where no one prospers, except the church officers of course.
So should churches and any other defunct entity die? Of course, it should. This is how the cycle of living order works, nothing that fails to serve a purpose or produces nothing outside of itself lives for long. The true question is how long can human-kind survive its love of saving things that should not be saved? Every month there are several species of animal life including human tribes and cultures somewhere that dies out.
Just as the dinosaurs were here for a while and are now gone all life is not constant. So species are only here to fill a delicate niche only for a short while. Their passing on is indeed a part of the plan.
When will we realize that saving the likes of the Snow Leopard and the Polar Bear may mean the most defunct species of all will have to die, mankind.